For this edition of Wedding Webbies we'll focus on music for your ceremony & reception.
#1 The O'Neill Brothers
A personal favorite of mine and just about the only artist I recommend to my brides. They have amazingly beautiful piano music and their site allows you to preview each and every track. They currently have three wedding CD's that consist of two traditional CD's as well as a CD specifically for beach weddings! The track listing consists of traditional hymns, famous concertos, and popular music. Their site allows you to download individual tracks for just 99 cents each, download the CD online, or purchase it and have it shipped to you. Be sure to sign up for their e-mail list as they frequently do amazing offers like buy one, get one free and more! Wedding Music CentralThis is a really great site that simply lays out each aspect of your wedding you'll need music for and which tracks are commonly used. Giving You the Rest of My LifeA CD full of Christian artists singing beautiful songs for your ceremony. Certain Churches do not allow secular music to be played, this CD is a great option for those who fall into that category.
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